Exaudi Saturday - Devotion in Exile
L ection for Saturday of Exaudi Numbers 20:22-21:9 Luke 20:45-21:19 There has been talk, as I mentioned in one of these missives at some point in the past, that some people see this pandemic and some other things as signs of the end of days. Now our nation is consumed with riots and other protests. Is this what Jesus means when He says that “nation will rise against nation?” There have always been wars. I am going to use this as a starting point to deviate a bit today, this is an excuse to address things that are maybe only tangentially tied to this text, but which I want to take the time to address in this space. Hey, this is after all, my blog. I will also make it devotional, a meditation upon the Word and will of God. But it will not be as tightly tied to the specific texts as you read them from above. What is happening in the Twin Cities, and has spread to other parts of the country, has arisen because there is a sickness in our countr...