Trinity XIV - Devotion in semi-Exile
Lection for Trinity XIV 2 Chronicles 32:1-22 Colossians 1:1-23 We are now on to the 2 nd Part of these articles. This first article of the second part has often been called, “The article upon which the church stands or falls.” This is indeed rightly so! In fact, this is the heart of Christianity. All other religions…and all false versions of Christianity…believe that man’s works assist with his salvation. If I am trusting even a little bit in Todd for my salvation, I am in deep trouble. But let us read how Dr. Luther explains it. THE SECOND PART Treats of the Articles which Refer to the Office and Work of Jesus Christ, or Our Redemption. Part II, Article I: The first and chief article. 1] That Jesus Christ, our God and Lord, died for our sins, and was raised again for our justification, Rom. 4:25. 2] And He alone is the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world, John 1:29; and God has laid upon Him the iniquities ...