Tuesday after Trinity XVII - Devotion in semi-Exile
Tuesday after Trinity XVII - Devotion in semi-Exile
Deuteronomy 5:22-6:9 Matthew 9:1-17
Again, I could talk about this next article at length. I will simply answer this question, “Who are the Anabaptists?” Some claim that anabaptists (from re-baptism) simply believe that infant baptism is wrong, so all those baptized as children needed to be (re)baptized. There were, as you will see, many other things that the anabaptists believed and taught that are erroneous as well as believe that children are innocent (hmmm, born sinners, yet innocent? Psalm 51:5) and must make their own decision for Jesus.
I will let you read for yourself their teachings which were (and still are) in error. They may not be called ‘Anabaptists’ today, but you will recognize their adherents where their erroneous teachings are to be found.
Erroneous Articles of the Anabaptists.
2] The Anabaptists are divided among themselves into many factions, as one contends for more, another for less errors; however, they all in common propound [profess] such doctrine as is to be tolerated or allowed neither in the Church, nor in the commonwealth and secular government, nor in domestic life.
Articles that Cannot be Tolerated in the Church.
3] 1. That Christ did not assume His body and blood from the Virgin Mary, but brought them with Him from heaven.
13] 2. That a Christian cannot with a good, inviolate conscience hold or discharge the office of magistrate.
Deuteronomy 5:22-6:9 Matthew 9:1-17
Again, I could talk about this next article at length. I will simply answer this question, “Who are the Anabaptists?” Some claim that anabaptists (from re-baptism) simply believe that infant baptism is wrong, so all those baptized as children needed to be (re)baptized. There were, as you will see, many other things that the anabaptists believed and taught that are erroneous as well as believe that children are innocent (hmmm, born sinners, yet innocent? Psalm 51:5) and must make their own decision for Jesus.
I will let you read for yourself their teachings which were (and still are) in error. They may not be called ‘Anabaptists’ today, but you will recognize their adherents where their erroneous teachings are to be found.
Erroneous Articles of the Anabaptists.
2] The Anabaptists are divided among themselves into many factions, as one contends for more, another for less errors; however, they all in common propound [profess] such doctrine as is to be tolerated or allowed neither in the Church, nor in the commonwealth and secular government, nor in domestic life.
Articles that Cannot be Tolerated in the Church.
3] 1. That Christ did not assume His body and blood from the Virgin Mary, but brought them with Him from heaven.
4] 2. That Christ
is not true God, but only [is superior to other saints, because He] has more
gifts of the Holy Ghost than any other holy man.
5] 3. That our
righteousness before God consists not in the sole merit of Christ alone, but in
renewal, and hence in our own godliness [uprightness] in which we walk. This is
based in great part upon one's own special, self-chosen [and humanly devised]
spirituality [holiness], and in fact is nothing else than a new sort of
6] 4. That children
who are not baptized are not sinners before God, but righteous and innocent,
who in their innocency, because they have not yet attained their reason [the
use of reason], are saved without Baptism (which, according to their assertion,
they do not need). Therefore they reject the entire doctrine concerning
original sin and what belongs to it.
7] 5. That children
are not to be baptized until they have attained their reason [the use of
reason], and can themselves confess their faith.
8] 6. That the
children of Christians, because they have been born of Christian and believing
parents, are holy and children of God even without and before Baptism; and for
this reason they neither attach much importance to the baptism of children nor
encourage it, contrary to the express words of God's promise which pertains
only to those who keep His covenant and do not despise it. Gen. 17:7ff
9] 7. That that is
no true Christian congregation [church] in which sinners are still found.
10] 8. That no
sermon is to be heard nor attended in those churches in which formerly papal
masses have been celebrated and said.
11] 9. That one [a
godly man] must not have anything to do with the ministers of the Church who
preach the Gospel according to the Augsburg Confession, and rebuke the sermons
and errors of the Anabaptists; also that he is neither to serve nor in any way
to labor for them, but to flee from and shun them as perverters of God's Word. [please not here the honesty which they held at the time this document was written, they believed their teachings so much that what they believed to be erroneous was to be avoided...just as we continue to maintain today. If indeed what they believe/teach/confess - or what we believe/teach/confess - is in error, then it should be avoided and spoken against at every opportunity.
Articles that
Cannot be Tolerated in the Government.
12] 1. That under the New Testament the magistracy is not an estate pleasing to God.
12] 1. That under the New Testament the magistracy is not an estate pleasing to God.
13] 2. That a Christian cannot with a good, inviolate conscience hold or discharge the office of magistrate.
14] 3. That a
Christian cannot without injury to conscience use the office of the magistracy
against the wicked in matters as they occur [matters so requiring], nor that
subjects may invoke for their protection and defense the power which the
magistrates possess and have received from God.
15] 4. That a
Christian cannot with a good conscience take an oath, nor with an oath do
homage [promise fidelity] to the hereditary prince of his country or sovereign.
16] 5. That under
the New Testament magistrates cannot, without injury to conscience, inflict
capital punishment upon malefactors.
Articles that
Cannot be Tolerated in Domestic Life.
17] 1. That a Christian cannot with a good conscience hold or possess property, but is in duty bound to devote it to the common treasury.
17] 1. That a Christian cannot with a good conscience hold or possess property, but is in duty bound to devote it to the common treasury.
18] 2. That a
Christian cannot with a good conscience be an innkeeper, merchant, or cutler
[maker of arms].
19] 3. That the
married may be divorced on account of [diverse] faith, and the one may abandon
the other and be married to another person who is of his faith.