Saturday after Trinity XVI - Devotion in semi-Exile
Saturday after Trinity XVI - Devotion in semi-Exile
Deuteronomy 4:1-20 Matthew 7:13-29
I have often declared that there are things of God which we cannot understand with our finite and faulty human minds, it is simply beyond us. In such cases, what God has revealed to us in His Holy Scripture is all that He desires us to know. So what Scripture, God’s Word declares, is all that we can say – we should say no more, nor any less.
Unfortunately, when people try to make some sort of explanation so that the mysterious is now comprehensible, too often such explanations have drifted into speculation and become tainted with error.
Article VIII on The Lord’s Supper is just such a problem. Look at the simple words of the Scriptural text. In regard to the bread, Jesus said, “Take, eat; this is My body.” In regard to the wine (cup), Jesus said, “Drink from it, all of you; for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins.”
Nobody likes the idea that we are eating the body of Christ, nor that we are drinking His blood. So, instead of just taking His word as it is, people have tried to explain what He meant. (Like they know the mind of God?) There are two obvious errors that have come from trying to make this incomprehensible into something comprehensible. First, there is the claim that it represents/symbolizes Christ’s body and blood. Another says that they “change into” Christ’s body and blood as we eat them.
This bread is Christ’s body. This wine is Christ’s blood. Christ declares such to be the case. It is a paradox! I do not mentally comprehend how this can be. I will however not try to explain it. He, who with a word, calmed the storm declares the reality. He, who fed thousands on two occasions with rations of bread and fish that would only have fed a couple people, declares the reality. (By the way, it is truly interesting to note those two miraculous feedings. In both, He Took the bread, Gave thanks, Broke it, and gave it. These miracles were a foreshowing what He’d do instituting the Supper, and if He could do that with so little, surely His body and His blood can be sacramentally united to the bread and wine of the supper – at His Word.
As we look at the next article, there is much speculation about it. Much of that speculation is not based upon the clear word of Scripture. What is not said clearly, people want to understand. So, there have been things taught in regard to this that say more than God has revealed to us in Scripture.
We read what Lutherans believe/teach/confess concerning the descent of Christ into hell.
IX. The Descent of Christ Into Hell.
Status Controveriae.
Chief Controversy concerning This Article.
1] It has also been disputed among some theologians who have subscribed to the Augsburg Confession concerning this article: When and in what manner the Lord Christ, according to our simple Christian faith, descended to hell: whether this was done before or after His death; also, whether it occurred according to the soul alone, or according to the divinity alone, or with body and soul, spiritually or bodily; also, whether this article belongs to the passion or to the glorious victory and triumph of Christ.
Deuteronomy 4:1-20 Matthew 7:13-29
I have often declared that there are things of God which we cannot understand with our finite and faulty human minds, it is simply beyond us. In such cases, what God has revealed to us in His Holy Scripture is all that He desires us to know. So what Scripture, God’s Word declares, is all that we can say – we should say no more, nor any less.
Unfortunately, when people try to make some sort of explanation so that the mysterious is now comprehensible, too often such explanations have drifted into speculation and become tainted with error.
Article VIII on The Lord’s Supper is just such a problem. Look at the simple words of the Scriptural text. In regard to the bread, Jesus said, “Take, eat; this is My body.” In regard to the wine (cup), Jesus said, “Drink from it, all of you; for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins.”
Nobody likes the idea that we are eating the body of Christ, nor that we are drinking His blood. So, instead of just taking His word as it is, people have tried to explain what He meant. (Like they know the mind of God?) There are two obvious errors that have come from trying to make this incomprehensible into something comprehensible. First, there is the claim that it represents/symbolizes Christ’s body and blood. Another says that they “change into” Christ’s body and blood as we eat them.
This bread is Christ’s body. This wine is Christ’s blood. Christ declares such to be the case. It is a paradox! I do not mentally comprehend how this can be. I will however not try to explain it. He, who with a word, calmed the storm declares the reality. He, who fed thousands on two occasions with rations of bread and fish that would only have fed a couple people, declares the reality. (By the way, it is truly interesting to note those two miraculous feedings. In both, He Took the bread, Gave thanks, Broke it, and gave it. These miracles were a foreshowing what He’d do instituting the Supper, and if He could do that with so little, surely His body and His blood can be sacramentally united to the bread and wine of the supper – at His Word.
As we look at the next article, there is much speculation about it. Much of that speculation is not based upon the clear word of Scripture. What is not said clearly, people want to understand. So, there have been things taught in regard to this that say more than God has revealed to us in Scripture.
We read what Lutherans believe/teach/confess concerning the descent of Christ into hell.
IX. The Descent of Christ Into Hell.
Status Controveriae.
Chief Controversy concerning This Article.
1] It has also been disputed among some theologians who have subscribed to the Augsburg Confession concerning this article: When and in what manner the Lord Christ, according to our simple Christian faith, descended to hell: whether this was done before or after His death; also, whether it occurred according to the soul alone, or according to the divinity alone, or with body and soul, spiritually or bodily; also, whether this article belongs to the passion or to the glorious victory and triumph of Christ.
2] But since this
article, as also the preceding, cannot be comprehended by the senses or by our
reason, but must be grasped by faith alone, it is our unanimous opinion that
there should be no disputation concerning it, but that it should be
believed 3] and taught only
in the simplest manner; according as Dr. Luther, of blessed memory, in his
sermon at Torgau in the year 1533 has explained this article in an altogether
Christian manner, separated from it all useless, unnecessary questions, and
admonished all godly Christians to Christian simplicity of faith.
4] For it is
sufficient that we know that Christ descended into hell, destroyed hell for all
believers, and delivered them from the power of death and of the devil, from
eternal condemnation and the jaws of hell. But how this occurred we should [not
curiously investigate, but] reserve until the other world, where not only this
point [mystery], but also still others will be revealed, which we here simply
believe, and cannot comprehend with our blind reason.