Friday after Trinity XVIII - Devotion
Lectionary for Friday after Trinity XVIII
Deuteronomy 14:1-2, 22-23, 14:28-15:15 Matthew 13:1-23
21] 2. That the flesh of Christ by His exaltation has assumed all divine properties in such a manner that Christ as man is in might, power, majesty, and glory altogether, as regards degree and position of essence equal to the Father and to the Word, so that now there is only one essence, property, will, and glory of both natures in Christ, and that the flesh of Christ belongs to the essence of the Holy Trinity.
Deuteronomy 14:1-2, 22-23, 14:28-15:15 Matthew 13:1-23
I was torn whether or not
I should continue with the articles of the Formula of Concord (Epitome) as
these last few could conceivably require some explanation. For example, who is
a Schwenkfeldian? No, this is not a surname that Pr. Jerabek made up to use in
a sermon, it is a group of people who, at the time of the writing of the
Formula of Concord, in following the teachings of Caspar von Schwenckfeld, have
led people astray. As you read their erroneous articles (articles of false teaching),
you will note that there are some today who hold similar erroneous false views.
These false views need to be exposes so that people do not fall into their
There errors will be simply seen.
Also the errors of the “New Arians” and the “Anti-Trinitarians” will be plainly seen as you read them.
Erroneous Articles of the Schwenkfeldians.
20] 1. That all those have no true knowledge of Christ as reigning King of heaven who regard Christ according to the flesh as a creature.
There errors will be simply seen.
Also the errors of the “New Arians” and the “Anti-Trinitarians” will be plainly seen as you read them.
Erroneous Articles of the Schwenkfeldians.
20] 1. That all those have no true knowledge of Christ as reigning King of heaven who regard Christ according to the flesh as a creature.
21] 2. That the flesh of Christ by His exaltation has assumed all divine properties in such a manner that Christ as man is in might, power, majesty, and glory altogether, as regards degree and position of essence equal to the Father and to the Word, so that now there is only one essence, property, will, and glory of both natures in Christ, and that the flesh of Christ belongs to the essence of the Holy Trinity.
22] 3. That the
ministry of the Church [ministry of the Word], the Word preached and heard, is
not a means whereby God the Holy Ghost teaches men, and works in them the
saving knowledge of Christ, conversion, repentance, faith, and new obedience.
23] 4. That the
water of Baptism is not a means whereby God the Lord seals the adoption of sons
and works regeneration.
24] 5. That bread
and wine in the Holy Supper are not means through and by which Christ
distributes His body and blood.
25] 6. That a
Christian who is truly regenerated by God's Spirit can perfectly observe and
fulfil the Law of God in this life.
26] 7. That it is
not a true Christian congregation [church] in which no public excommunication
[some formal mode of excommunication] or no regular process of the ban [as it
is commonly called] is observed.
27] 8. That the
minister of the church who is not on his part truly renewed, regenerate,
righteous, and godly cannot teach other men with profit or distribute genuine,
true Sacraments.
Error of the New Arians.
28] That Christ is not true, essential, natural God, of one eternal, divine essence with God the Father and the Holy Ghost, but is only adorned with divine majesty inferior to and alongside of God the Father [is so adorned with divine majesty, with the Father, that He is inferior to the Father].
Error of the Anti-Trinitarians.
29] This is an entirely new sect, not heard of before in Christendom, [composed of those] who believe, teach, and confess that there is not one only, eternal, divine essence of the Father Son, and Holy Ghost, but as God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are three distinct persons, so each person has its essence distinct and separate from the other persons of the Godhead; and that nevertheless they are either [some think] all three of equal power, wisdom, majesty, and glory, just as otherwise three men are distinct and separate from one another in their essence, or [others think that these three persons and essences are] unequal with one another in essence and properties, so that the Father alone is properly and truly God.
30] These and similar articles, one and all, with whatever other errors depend upon and follow from them, we reject and condemn as wrong, false, heretical, contrary to the Word of God, the three Creeds, the Augsburg Confession and Apology, the Smalcald Articles, and Luther's Catechisms, against which all godly Christians of both high and low station are to be on their guard as they love the welfare and salvation of their souls.
Error of the New Arians.
28] That Christ is not true, essential, natural God, of one eternal, divine essence with God the Father and the Holy Ghost, but is only adorned with divine majesty inferior to and alongside of God the Father [is so adorned with divine majesty, with the Father, that He is inferior to the Father].
Error of the Anti-Trinitarians.
29] This is an entirely new sect, not heard of before in Christendom, [composed of those] who believe, teach, and confess that there is not one only, eternal, divine essence of the Father Son, and Holy Ghost, but as God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are three distinct persons, so each person has its essence distinct and separate from the other persons of the Godhead; and that nevertheless they are either [some think] all three of equal power, wisdom, majesty, and glory, just as otherwise three men are distinct and separate from one another in their essence, or [others think that these three persons and essences are] unequal with one another in essence and properties, so that the Father alone is properly and truly God.
30] These and similar articles, one and all, with whatever other errors depend upon and follow from them, we reject and condemn as wrong, false, heretical, contrary to the Word of God, the three Creeds, the Augsburg Confession and Apology, the Smalcald Articles, and Luther's Catechisms, against which all godly Christians of both high and low station are to be on their guard as they love the welfare and salvation of their souls.
31] That this is
the doctrine, faith, and confession of us all, for which we will answer at the
last day before the just Judge, our Lord Jesus Christ, and will neither
secretly nor publicly speak or write anything against it, but that we intend by
the grace of God to persevere therein, we have after mature deliberation testified,
in the true fear of God and invocation of His name, by signing with our own
hands [this Epitome].