Thursday after Trinity XVI - Devotion in semi-Exile
Tuesday after Trinity XVI - Devotion in semi-Exile
Deuteronomy 2:16-37 Matthew 6:16-24
The ‘Breaking of the Bread’ was celebrated very early in the church, Acts 2 proclaims that after Christ’s ascension they were celebrating it in their gathering. What did they receive? The same thing we receive, the very body of Christ sacramentally united to the bread eaten; the very blood of Christ sacramentally united to the wine that is drunk.
How can this be? Christ proclaimed that is what is being eaten and drunk when He instituted that last will and testament on the night when He was betrayed.
Yes, it does not make sense! Does that mean we can play with what Christ said? Are we allowed to clarify/interpret what Jesus meant, as if He was speaking indistinctly?
This is what we believe, as Confession/Evangelical/Orthodox Lutherans.
This is also what we condemn, for what is taught contrary to the clear Word of Christ has serious consequences. It can bring harm to those who partake in an false-believing manner.
VII. The Lord's Supper.
1] Although the Zwinglian teachers are not to be reckoned among the theologians who affiliate with [acknowledge and profess] the Augsburg Confession, as they separated from them at the very time when this Confession was presented, nevertheless, since they are intruding themselves [into their assembly], and are attempting, under the name of this Christian Confession, to spread their error, we intend also to make a needful statement [we have judged that the Church of Christ should be instructed also] concerning this controversy.
3] For the explanation of this controversy it is to be noted in the beginning that there are two kinds of Sacramentarians. Some are gross Sacramentarians, who declare in plain (deutschen), clear words as they believe in their hearts, that in the Holy Supper nothing but bread and wine is present, and distributed and received with the mouth. 4] Others, however, are subtle Sacramentarians, and the most injurious of all, who partly speak very speciously in our own words, and pretend that they also believe a true presence of the true, essential, living body and blood of Christ in the Holy Supper, however, that 5] this occurs spiritually through faith. Nevertheless they retain under these specious words precisely the former gross opinion, namely, that in the Holy Supper nothing is present and received with the mouth except bread and wine. For with them the word spiritually means nothing else than the Spirit of Christ or the power of the absent body of Christ and His merit, which is present; but the body of Christ is in no mode or way present, except only above in the highest heaven, to which we should elevate ourselves into heaven by the thoughts of our faith, and there, not at all, however, in the bread and wine of the Holy Supper, should seek this body and blood [of Christ].
Deuteronomy 2:16-37 Matthew 6:16-24
The ‘Breaking of the Bread’ was celebrated very early in the church, Acts 2 proclaims that after Christ’s ascension they were celebrating it in their gathering. What did they receive? The same thing we receive, the very body of Christ sacramentally united to the bread eaten; the very blood of Christ sacramentally united to the wine that is drunk.
How can this be? Christ proclaimed that is what is being eaten and drunk when He instituted that last will and testament on the night when He was betrayed.
Yes, it does not make sense! Does that mean we can play with what Christ said? Are we allowed to clarify/interpret what Jesus meant, as if He was speaking indistinctly?
This is what we believe, as Confession/Evangelical/Orthodox Lutherans.
This is also what we condemn, for what is taught contrary to the clear Word of Christ has serious consequences. It can bring harm to those who partake in an false-believing manner.
VII. The Lord's Supper.
1] Although the Zwinglian teachers are not to be reckoned among the theologians who affiliate with [acknowledge and profess] the Augsburg Confession, as they separated from them at the very time when this Confession was presented, nevertheless, since they are intruding themselves [into their assembly], and are attempting, under the name of this Christian Confession, to spread their error, we intend also to make a needful statement [we have judged that the Church of Christ should be instructed also] concerning this controversy.
Chief Controversy between Our Doctrine and That of the Sacramentarians regarding This Article.
2] Whether in the Holy Supper the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ are truly and essentially present, are distributed with the bread and wine, and received with the mouth by all those who use this Sacrament, whether they be worthy or unworthy, godly or ungodly, believing or unbelieving; by the believing for consolation and life, by the unbelieving for judgment? The Sacramentarians say, No; we say, Yes.
Chief Controversy between Our Doctrine and That of the Sacramentarians regarding This Article.
2] Whether in the Holy Supper the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ are truly and essentially present, are distributed with the bread and wine, and received with the mouth by all those who use this Sacrament, whether they be worthy or unworthy, godly or ungodly, believing or unbelieving; by the believing for consolation and life, by the unbelieving for judgment? The Sacramentarians say, No; we say, Yes.
3] For the explanation of this controversy it is to be noted in the beginning that there are two kinds of Sacramentarians. Some are gross Sacramentarians, who declare in plain (deutschen), clear words as they believe in their hearts, that in the Holy Supper nothing but bread and wine is present, and distributed and received with the mouth. 4] Others, however, are subtle Sacramentarians, and the most injurious of all, who partly speak very speciously in our own words, and pretend that they also believe a true presence of the true, essential, living body and blood of Christ in the Holy Supper, however, that 5] this occurs spiritually through faith. Nevertheless they retain under these specious words precisely the former gross opinion, namely, that in the Holy Supper nothing is present and received with the mouth except bread and wine. For with them the word spiritually means nothing else than the Spirit of Christ or the power of the absent body of Christ and His merit, which is present; but the body of Christ is in no mode or way present, except only above in the highest heaven, to which we should elevate ourselves into heaven by the thoughts of our faith, and there, not at all, however, in the bread and wine of the Holy Supper, should seek this body and blood [of Christ].
Confession of the Pure Doctrine concerning the Holy Supper against the Sacramentarians.
6] 1. We believe, teach, and confess that in the Holy Supper the body and blood of Christ are truly and essentially present, and are truly distributed and received with the bread and wine.
Confession of the Pure Doctrine concerning the Holy Supper against the Sacramentarians.
6] 1. We believe, teach, and confess that in the Holy Supper the body and blood of Christ are truly and essentially present, and are truly distributed and received with the bread and wine.
7] 2. We believe,
teach, and confess that the words of the testament of Christ are not to be
understood otherwise than as they read, according to the letter, so that the
bread does not signify the absent body and the wine the absent blood of Christ,
but that, on account of the sacramental union, they [the bread and wine] are
truly the body and blood of Christ.
8] 3. Now, as to the
consecration, we believe, teach, and confess that no work of man or recitation
of the minister [of the church] produces this presence of the body and blood of
Christ in the Holy Supper, but that this is to be ascribed only and alone to
the almighty power of our Lord Jesus Christ.
9] 4. But at the
same time we also believe, teach, and confess unanimously that in the use of
the Holy Supper the words of the institution of Christ should in no way be
omitted, but should be publicly recited, as it is written 1 Cor.
10:16: The cup of blessing which we bless, etc. This blessing occurs
through the recitation of the words of Christ.
10] 5. The grounds,
however, on which we stand against the Sacramentarians in this matter are those
which Dr. Luther has laid down in his Large Confession concerning the Lord's
The first is this
article 11] of our
Christian faith: Jesus Christ is true, essential, natural, perfect God and man
in one person, undivided and inseparable.
12] The second:
That God's right hand is everywhere; at which Christ is placed in deed and in
truth according to His human nature, [and therefore] being present, rules, and
has in His hands and beneath His feet everything that is in heaven and on earth
[as Scripture says, Eph. 1:22 ], where no man else, nor angel, but only
the Son of Mary is placed; hence He can do this [those things which we have
13] The third: That
God's Word is not false, and does not deceive.
14] The fourth:
That God has and knows of various modes of being in any place, and not only the
one [is not bound to the one] which philosophers call localis (local) for
15] 6. We believe,
teach, and confess that the body and blood of Christ are received with the
bread and wine, not only spiritually by faith, but also orally; yet not in a
Capernaitic, but in a supernatural, heavenly mode, because of the sacramental
union; as the words of Christ clearly show, when Christ gives direction to
take, eat, and drink, as was also done by the apostles; for it is written Mark 14:23:
And they all drank of it. St. Paul likewise says, 1 Cor.
10:16: The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of
Christ? that is: He who eats this bread eats the body of Christ, which also the
chief ancient teachers of the Church, Chrysostom, Cyprian, Leo I, Gregory,
Ambrose, Augustine, unanimously testify.
16] 7. We believe,
teach, and confess that not only the true believers [in Christ] and the worthy,
but also the unworthy and unbelievers, receive the true body and blood of
Christ; however, not for life and consolation, but for judgment and
condemnation, if they are not converted and do not repent, 1 Cor.
17] For although
they thrust Christ from themselves as a Savior, yet they must admit Him even
against their will as a strict Judge, who is just as present also to exercise
and render judgment upon impenitent guests as He is present to work life and
consolation in the hearts of the true believers and worthy guests.
18] 8. We believe,
teach, and confess also that there is only one kind of unworthy guests, namely,
those who do not believe, concerning whom it is written John 3:18:
He that believeth not is condemned already. And this judgment becomes greater
and more grievous, being aggravated, by the unworthy use of the Holy
Supper, 1 Cor. 11:29.
19] 9. We believe,
teach, and confess that no true believer, as long as he retains living faith,
however weak he may be, receives the Holy Supper to his judgment, which was
instituted especially for Christians weak in faith, yet penitent, for the
consolation and strengthening of their weak faith [Matt. 9:12; 11:5. 28].
20] 10. We believe,
teach, and confess that all the worthiness of the guests of this heavenly feast
is and consists in the most holy obedience and perfect merit of Christ alone,
which we appropriate to ourselves by true faith, and whereof [of the
application of this merit] we are assured by the Sacrament, and not at all in
[but in nowise does this worthiness depend upon] our virtues or inward and
outward preparations.
Negative Theses.
Contrary, Condemned Doctrines of the Sacramentarians.
21] On the other hand, we unanimously reject and condemn all the following erroneous articles, which are opposed and contrary to the doctrine presented above, the simple faith, and the [pure] confession concerning the Lord's Supper;
Contrary, Condemned Doctrines of the Sacramentarians.
21] On the other hand, we unanimously reject and condemn all the following erroneous articles, which are opposed and contrary to the doctrine presented above, the simple faith, and the [pure] confession concerning the Lord's Supper;
22] 1. The papistic
transubstantiation, when it is taught in the Papacy that in the Holy Supper the
bread and wine lose their substance and natural essence, and are thus
annihilated; that they are changed into the body of Christ, and the outward
form alone remains.
23] 2. The papistic
sacrifice of the Mass for the sins of the living and the dead.
24] 3. That [the
sacrilege whereby] to laymen one form only of the Sacrament is given, and,
contrary to the plain words of the testament of Christ, the cup is withheld
from them, and they are [thus] deprived of His blood.
25] 4. When it is
taught that the words of the testament of Christ must not be understood or
believed simply as they read, but that they are obscure expressions, whose
meaning must be sought first in other passages of Scripture.
26] 5. That in the
Holy Supper the body of Christ is not received orally with the bread; but that
with the mouth only bread and wine are received, the body of Christ, however,
only spiritually by faith.
27] 6. That the
bread and wine in the Holy Supper are nothing more than [symbols or] tokens by
which Christians recognize one another.
28] 7. That the
bread and wine are only figures, similitudes, and representations of the far
absent body and blood of Christ.
29] 8. That the
bread and wine are no more than a memorial, seal, and pledge, through which we
are assured that when faith elevates itself to heaven, it there becomes
partaker of the body and blood of Christ as truly as we eat bread and drink
wine in the Supper.
30] 9. That the
assurance and confirmation of our faith [concerning salvation] in the Holy
Supper occur through the external signs of bread and wine alone, and not
through the true, [verily] present body and blood of Christ.
31] 10. That in the
Holy Supper only the power, efficacy, and merit of the absent body and blood of
Christ are distributed.
32] 11. That the
body of Christ is so enclosed in heaven that it can in no way be at once and at
one time in many or all places upon earth where His Holy Supper is celebrated.
33] 12. That Christ
has not promised, neither could have effected, the essential presence of His
body and blood in the Holy Supper, because the nature and property of His
assumed human nature cannot suffer nor permit it.
34] 13. That God,
according to [even by] all His omnipotence (which is dreadful to hear), is not
able to cause His body to be essentially present in more than one place at one
35] 14. That not
the omnipotent words of Christ's testament, but faith, produces and makes [is
the cause of] the presence of the body and blood of Christ in the Holy Supper.
36] 15. That
believers must not seek the body [and blood] of Christ in the bread and wine of
the Holy Supper, but raise their eyes from the bread to heaven and there seek
the body of Christ.
37] 16. That
unbelieving, impenitent Christians do not receive the true body and blood of
Christ in the Holy Supper, but only bread and wine.
38] 17. That the
worthiness of the guests at this heavenly meal consists not alone in true faith
in Christ, but also in the external preparation of men.
39] 18. That even
the true believers, who have and retain a true, living, pure faith in Christ,
can receive this Sacrament to their judgment, because they are still imperfect
in their outward life.
40] 19. That the
external visible elements of the bread and wine should be adored in the Holy
41] 20. Likewise,
we consign also to the just judgment of God all presumptuous, frivolous,
blasphemous questions (which decency forbids to mention) and [other] expressions,
which most blasphemously and with great offense [to the Church] are proposed by
the Sacramentarians in a gross, carnal, Capernaitic way concerning the
supernatural, heavenly mysteries of this Sacrament.
42] 21. Hence we
hereby utterly [reject and] condemn the Capernaitic eating of the body of
Christ, as though [we taught that] His flesh were rent with the teeth, and
digested like other food, which the Sacramentarians, against the testimony of
their conscience, after all our frequent protests, willfully force upon us, and
in this way make our doctrine odious to their hearers; and on the other hand,
we maintain and believe, according to the simple words of the testament of
Christ, the true, yet supernatural eating of the body of Christ, as also the
drinking of His blood, which human senses and reason do not comprehend, but as
in all other articles of faith our reason is brought into captivity to the
obedience of Christ, and this mystery is not apprehended otherwise than by
faith alone, and revealed in the Word alone.