Lection for Friday Trinity X
1 Kings 1:1-4, 15-35 1 Corinthians 12:14-31
Paul is talking about body parts. What body part is the most important? What part of your body is less important than any other part? Can the parts of your body do whatever they want? For example, when it come to the end of the day, can the mouth just decide to take off and head out to the local establishment for a barley pop with the foam on top? Of course not!
You are a part of the body of Christ, just as are all who confess the name of Christ with you, just as I am. Which of us is the most important in that body? Pastors? They have their role, but without those who need their care... Yeah, I think you get it!
When it comes to Sunday mornings, it appears that he is the most important - he leads the service, pronounces the absolution, reads the Scripture lessons, preaches the Gospel, administers the Sacrament of the Altar, pronounces the benediction whereby God's name is place upon the people and God blesses them, but all this he does because he is called to do so. He is not free to forgive those he likes, but withhold forgiveness from those he dislikes - but God requires him to withhold forgiveness from the impenitent, and he must forgive those who repent and want to amend their sinful lives - whether he thinks highly of them or is upset with them. He cannot make up Scripture! He is not allowed to deviate from the Scripture when He preaches, but must be faithful. Christ also dictates how His Supper is to be administered, who is to be admitted, and what is dispensed. Simply put, the pastor is a man under authority - under God's authority - as a part of the body to take care of the body.
In the meantime, all the members of the body who are sitting in the pews are the ones who are being served. They are those who are at the places of honor, being served by the one who stands in the stead of the suffering servant.
We are all members of the body of Christ, who is our head. It is not up the the individual parts of the body to determine who is most important, that's the task of the head. I know illustrations are never complete, they always break down, but I'm going to use one anyway.
When it is time to walk, you might think that the legs and feet are most important, but toes also help with balance - while the ears however are pretty much useless. Are you sure? I was on a walk the other day and my ears saved my life, for they heard the approaching danger that the head (brain) diagnosed, causing my head to swivel on my neck, so my eyes could see what my ears discerned, at which point the head told the legs, feet, toes, etc... "Get off the road - NOW!!!" Can you imagine what would have happened if the ears had decided to stay home for that walk, since they were not useful for walking and the exercise really doesn't do them any good?
You are important to me, I am
important to you, and we are all important to one another. Why is this so?
Because of the gifts God has given to each of us, making each of us different - yet making us all together, one body in Christ.
In the world the motto is,
look out for number one. Or maybe, each man for himself. As Christians, you and
I are to look out for one another. We are to use our God-given gifts to build
up His body, the church.
Christ proclaimed to the
disciples on numerous occasions His coming suffering and death. In that action,
He would save He us from sin – all of us. Peter did not like God’s plan when he
heard it. There is nothing you can give for your eternal well-being, it has
been done for you. Christ gave His life to cleanse you and me from our sins.
Christ Himself cleanses His body, washing it in a cleansing baptismal flood. He continually cleanses all the parts of the
body through His Word and His sacraments. It is these wonderful instruments
which are the means He uses to come and bestow upon you all the benefits of forgiveness
He purchased upon the cross.
As you and I are one body in
Christ, forgiven for our lack of using our God-given gifts, cleansed in
the crimson flood flowing from His riven side. In Christ, you and I are
forgiven for those times of arrogance when we thought we were more important
than others in the church. In Christ, you and I are forgiven for those time we thought
we were less important than others in the church.
Dearly beloved of God, you
and I are one body in Christ. We are one in needing forgiveness and being
forgiven. We are one in needing to help, and to be helped by one another. We
are one body in Christ to grow together by the gifts God has given to do
exactly that, His means of grace.
So, God, in Christ Jesus,
builds you up in the faith and keeps you in that faith. God has dealt and
continues to give you your measure of faith that you might remain one body
in Christ. He deals to you the forgiveness of sins, life and salvation. It is
these gifts which make us all, one body in Christ. It is these gifts which
build us up individually and by which we are made by God to be a blessing to
the whole body.
Yes my friends, God has
made you a part of His body, The Church. Let us rejoice in His gifts to us
which bestow unto us the benefits of Christ’s sacrifice, those things which
will bring us together unto eternal life as one body in Christ. Amen.