Palmarum Tuesday - Devotions in Exile The Third Word of Christ from the Cross
Palmarum Tuesday - Devotions in Exile
The Third Word of Christ from the Cross
Brothers and Sisters - To Edify
Each Other
19:26-27 When Jesus therefore saw
His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother,
"Woman, behold your son!"
Then He said to the disciple,
"Behold your mother!"
And from that hour that disciple took
her to his own home. (Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.)
As Jesus looked down from the cross,
He saw the woman who gave birth to Him and one of His disciples, and at this
time, despite His own suffering, He thinks of His mother and her lonely state
and suffering, not of Himself.
John, the disciple whom John called
the “disciple Jesus loved,” is given to her – and she to him. From that point
on takes her into his own home. Mary and
John, from that hour on are to give each other comfort in their time of grief
at the mutual loss of Jesus. Mary losing her son and John losing his dearest
What an example of love we have set here
by Christ for us. These two are commanded by Christ to be together for comfort.
It is out of love that He desires them to be together for mutual support and
Just as Mary and John are put together
for their mutual edification; the church, Christ's bride, all one body, has
been set up for the same reason.
Yes, we are now separated by both “social
distancing” and “safer-at-home,” but does that mean we cannot be together? How
do we pray? It begins, “Our Father…” isn’t that the Body of Christ united in
prayer? That is being together for mutual edification as we pray both with, and
for, one another.
Jesus' love for us is shared in the
church through the message that is
When we gather together, we hear of the love God had for us in sending His only
Son to die for us. As we read the Word, as we listen to online sermons, or read
devotions that are shared with us all – we are together in the Word of Christ. We
need to gather together, for God has designated the church as where He comes to
us Himself through Word and Sacrament.
We have each other as a body of
believers, when one member suffers, the whole body suffers with it; when one
member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. God set this up for keeping
and building the faith of all the members.
Christ's selflessness at this time
shows us His love for His family and friends. As we have been baptized into His
family, this showing of love of Christ from the cross shows us His love for us,
His family by adoption.
Just as Jesus wanted care for His earthly
family, we can take comfort in that we have family – brothers and sisters in
Christ – we are all baptized into the same family. Through the faith God has
given us, we are all members of His family for which He cares. We have been set
together by God to care for and love each other with that love given to us on
the cross.
God of all love and mercy, we thank You for Your church, for brothers and
sisters to support and care for each other. Make us to love one another with
the selfless love that you evidenced to us in Christ. Amen.