Holy (Good) Friday - Devotions in Exile The Sixth Word of Christ from the Cross

Holy (Good) Friday - Devotions in Exile
The Sixth Word of Christ from the Cross  

          True  God – 6th Word

John 19:30  So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, "It is finished!"  And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit(Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.)

          Jesus was true man, He was suffering on that cross, did He know what was going on? If you have any doubts, read these words from his lips again. He knew that all was finished (all was accomplished, or completed is what the Greek word Τετέλεσται – Tetelestai – means). God’s plan was completed! These words from Him show that although He was rue man, He was also true God. He knew the plan of salvation, and the role His death had to play in that.
          In speaking this “word” (one Greek word is translated, ‘it is finished’) just prior to His death, He shows that the plan was completed. In Christ's death, it is finished. God's plan, first prophesied in the Garden of Eden, is fulfilled. There is no more to do!

          Yet, in certain Christian circles, there is more attached to the life of the Christian than faith in this one event. Some say that we must do certain things to secure our salvation, making our place in God’s kingdom contingent upon each of us and doing our own part to earn it. We need to be wary of these lies disguised as Christianity.

          If such had been the intentions of God, Christ would have proclaimed, "Ok, I've done my part, now you each finish it." This was not the case, Christ said, "It is finished!" There is nothing more to do, it has been accomplished. 

          In fact, the very faith to believe in Christ's atoning work for us, is a gift from God by the work of His Spirit. If there were anything we could do, God would not have had to take on human flesh, fulfill the Laws in that flesh, and then suffer and die on that cross in our stead.  Leaving the remaining work of our salvation in our own hands empties the cross of its power to save. It assumes that we can perfect ourselves, for that is the only way other than faith in Christ, that man can be saved. Christ was the only one to be perfect, we are not – nor can we be. In fact, we cannot even believe these words, or trust the work of Christ, by our own reason or strength.

          This Word of Christ is the greatest comfort, especially when we look at our own lives. Our lives are hollow and pitiful, we have to proclaim with Paul that even when we know what is right to do, we fail to do it…we fall short…we miss the mark! To call our life exactly what it is, we are sinful and unclean!

          Now see the words of Christ, "It is finished!" His perfect life and the work of salvation in Him has come to completion on the cross. You are baptized into Christ’s death. On the cross, in the atoning sacrifice of the Son, in His bitter suffering and death, all that was left to be done, and now it is finished. Your holiness and righteousness, is now accomplished, it is finished.

          Of course, you could be arrogant enough to think that you have something to add to the equation, to help in your salvation and righteousness. But then, that is why He died, to forgive you your sin, even of pridefulness and self-justification.

          Let this word of comfort bring peace to you – It is finished.
When questions and worries arise, let this Word of Christ be the final answer.
What can I do to pay for my sins? 
                                    It is finished!
How can I be sure of my salvation? 
                                    It is finished!
I’m not sure if I’ve done enough to get into heaven! 
                                    It is finished!
Can I be sure that MY sins are forgiven, I was truly evil? 
                                    It is finished!

          In two days, we will hear the Easter message of His resurrection, it is our proof that the grave could not hold Him, and hence it will neither hold us. Eternal life and salvation are ours because – "It is finished!"

PRAYER:   Dear Savior, let us take comfort and always remember your words from the cross, "It is finished!"  Let us depend upon Your mercy and grace rather than upon ourselves.  Keep us looking to the cross and seeing Your divine mercy to us.  Amen.


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